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  • WASD to move forward, left, backward, right.
  • Space to jump.
  • Left Click to destroy a block.
  • Right Click or Cmd + Left Click to create a block.
  • Ctrl + Right Click to toggle a block as a light source.
  • 1-9 to select the block type to create.
  • E to cycle through the block types.
  • Tab to toggle between walking and flying.
  • ZXCVBN to move in exact directions along the XYZ axes.
  • Z to zoom.
  • F to show the scene in orthographic mode.
  • O to observe players in the main view.
  • P to observe players in the picture-in-picture view.
  • T to type text into chat.
  • Forward slash (/) to enter a command.
  • Backquote (`) to write text on any block (signs).
  • Arrow keys emulate mouse movement.
  • Enter emulates mouse click.

Chat Commands

/goto [NAME]

Teleport to another user. If NAME is unspecified, a random user is chosen.


Display a list of connected users.

/login NAME

Switch to another registered username. The login server will be re-contacted. The username is case-sensitive.


Unauthenticate and become a guest user. Automatic logins will not occur again until the /login command is re-issued.

/offline [FILE]

Switch to offline mode. FILE specifies the save file to use and defaults to "craft".

/online HOST [PORT]

Connect to the specified server.

/pq P Q

Teleport to the specified chunk.


Teleport back to the spawn point.


In multiplayer mode, players can observe one another in the main view or in a picture-in-picture view. Implementation of the PnP was surprisingly simple - just change the viewport and render the scene again from the other player’s point of view.